Floating in the lake where not going under the knife. The Internet seems to be that there are crises, whether machine or hand “account password brute“ overly. Then you can modify the way a service port, such as the Linux–SSH port change. But it is always the symptom, not the cause. We want to to the server in line, this tool automatically blocked using Fail2Ban “brute force password machine.“
Note: the following method is applicable to CentOS, and needs to be combined with iptables in order to run the iptables firewall–basic
First, download and extract the Fail2Ban
wget http://soft.kwx.gd/security/fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2
SSH execute the above command, download Fail2Ban 0.8.4.
tar -xjvf fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2
SSH execute the above command, extract the fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2.
cd fail2ban-0.8.4
Execute the above command SSH into the fail2ban-0.8.4 folder.
Second, installing Fail2Ban
Run python setup.py install # install script
CD files # enter the files folder
CP./redhat-/init.d/fail2ban # copy the file to your startup list
Chkconfig–add fail2ban # create a startup item
Service fail2ban start # test run
SSH execute the above command line by line, installed Fail2Ban and add it to the startup items. Yellow text without copying.
Fail2ban-1.jpg above, Fail2Ban can initiate the installation successfully.
Third, the modifying configuration files
1, into the directory
cd /etc/fail2ban
2, modify the overall profile jail.conf
(1) overall configuration
This IP or IP # is mandatory exceptions, not subject to the following conditions
ignoreip =
# The blackout time (such as one day is: 86400)
bantime = 600
# How long to reach conditions started to implement the embargo, such as 600 seconds 3 times the execution. # Of units: seconds
findtime = 600
# In the above conditions the error number, such as 600 seconds 3 times the execution.
# Of units:
maxretry = 3
(2) SSH settings
Enabled = False # whether to open, open for true
filter = sshd
Action = iptables[name=SSH, port=SSH, Protocol=TCP] #post is the port number
sendmail-whois[name=SSH, dest=you@mail.com, sender=fail2ban@mail.com]
# Top red-you@mail.com you for your email address and the sender address (recommended)
# Letters need sendmail service support, without this service or do not need written prior to sendmail and # commented out.
LogPath =/var/log/sshd.log # the error log, usually:/var/log/secure
Maxretry = 5 # try error number
(3) the proftpd Setup
Enabled = False # whether to open, open for true
filter = proftpd
action = iptables[name=ProFTPD, port=ftp, protocol=tcp]
sendmail-whois[name=ProFTPD, dest=you@mail.com]
# Red Ditto like SSH settings above.
LogPath =/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log # the error log
Maxretry = 6 # number of trial-and-error
Note that the above “error log“ file must match the actual or Fail2Ban also fails.
Four, save and restart Fail2Ban
Service fail2ban restart # restart fail2ban
Chkconfig fail2ban on # set to start automatically
Five, validate Fail2Ban is operating correctly
fail2ban-client status
SSH execute the above command, see fail2ban open surveillance is operational, but unable to see the actual results.
As shown above, in step shows settings for SSH and proftpd is already in effect. Of course you can also use-n view the IP has been blocked.
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