The server components are configured, a useful tool (phpMyAdmin) to administer MySQL installed and protected from the outside. Lacking only the ftp server. All are used to upload files to the hosting using FTP clients, so nothing remains, how to install and configure your virtual server support FTP. Under linux, created a huge number of […]
CentOS server Apache Web server to ensure the safety of eight kinds of security settings TECHNOLOGY
Apache is an open source WEB servers, is supported by the nonprofit Apache Software Foundation, hosting, VPS, we use Apache server architecture environment, but any schema environment will suffer from a variety of possible attacks, security vulnerability detection, such as SQL injection and denial of service attacks. As part of our VPS/server users, we need […]
CentOS configure host-based Intrusion Detection System
Any system administrator wants in its security was first deployed on the production server is one of the mechanisms to detect file tampering – criminals tampered with more than just the contents of the file, and file attributes. AIDE (full name “Advanced intrusion detection environment”) is an open source intrusion detection system based on host. […]
CentOS/RHEL 6 installation the default traditional Chinese font kit
For a start installing CentOS at 6 o’clock, selected for traditional Chinese, so remote when using Firefox, because traditional Chinese fonts are not installed, so the part is square in traditional Chinese characters, is very inconvenient. Because there is no Pack x window, without using the graphical interface for package management program to increase support […]
centos6.X – pptp vpn one click install scripts
Very useful script, decisively turned. Shared scripts are disabled before the … This script under centos6.x easy to use. 1. download the VPN (CentOS6) one-click installation package wget chmod a+x 2. run a key installation package bash There will be three options: 1. install the VPN service 2. fixed VPN 3. Add […]
Creating a MySQL database and assign privileges to a user
For a start, we have to have installed the mysql server. If you have not yet installed, install it using the package manager, or manually, by using commands (depending on distro): In Debian/Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server In RedHat/Fedora and their derivatives: # yum install mysql-server The Zenwalk: # netpkg mysql-server After you install […]
Overview of ZFS on FreeBSD 8.1
ZFS is a file system developed by Sun for Solaris, and specialized in storing data in Datacenter. ZFS offers many benefits that do surpass almost all its competitors: Does not use partitions but a logical system of pool A pool can combine multiple disks and run RAID, without additional software layer Detection and correction of […]
Server operating systems: FreeBSD #4
Presentation ‘Linux is made for those who do not like Windows, FreeBSD is made for those who love UNIX’ is a somewhat trollesque quote can be found on the web, but that sums up the State of mind of this system. The project began late 1993 and used sources of 386BSD as starting point. The […]
The adventure of a server running on NetBSD #3
I started in the process of updating my server under NetBSD. And this is not a simple operation. It is necessary: Register to the mailing list to know when an update is needed Retrieve the kernel and system sources Compile Deploy Of course it avoids preferably tools development or compilation on a server. So in […]
The adventure of a server running on NetBSD #4
I have a problem recurring with pkgsrc. To understand how it should know that NetBSD itself provided only few software. A daemon SSH, FTP, HTTP… and for the rest you have to go digging in pkgsrc, equivalent to emerge on Gentoo or FreeBSD ports. A set of scripts that fetches software sources and compile them […]