The server components are configured, a useful tool (phpMyAdmin) to administer MySQL installed and protected from the outside. Lacking only the ftp server. All are used to upload files to the hosting using FTP clients, so nothing remains, how to install and configure your virtual server support FTP. Under linux, created a huge number of […]
Installing and configuring the ftp-server vsftpd in Debian / Linux it VULTR
How to install ftp-server vsftpd? # Apt-get install vsftpd Vsftpd configuration file is in /etc/vsftpd.conf # Run vsftpd in independent mode listen = YES # Enable anonymous access anonymous_enable = YES # Anonymous connect without a password no_anon_password = YES # Anonymous enter the directory anon_root = / var / pubftp anon_umask = 022 # […]
Configure logrotate d Debian / Ubuntu. log rotation on VULTR VPS
Logrotate – a program for managing log files, automatically archives, removes, cleans them. Installation: # Aptitude install logrotate Configuration files are in /etc/logrotate.d/ Example configuration log rotation for nginx: /var/log/nginx/*.log { weekly # Rotated once a week missingok # No file is not an error rotate 52 # Saves the last 52 rotated file compress […]
Time synchronization in Debian / Linux
How to synchronize time in Debian / Linux? # Ntpdate-debian List servers synchronization can be changed here – / etc / default / ntpdate
Setting up Debian from scratch for Apache + PHP + MySQL
Setting up Debian linux from scratch for Apache + PHP + MySQl, so you order a server with administration and nothing is set. On the ring is important, if you don’t need any extra demons you can verify and add exactly what you need. first of all update packages apt-get update apt-get upgrade When we […]
How to install and use vim gvim on debian ubuntu
When I first, without preparation, opened vi, was unpleasantly (to put it mildly) surprised its “inadequate“ response to keyboard input. Familiar with gedit-u shortcut keys do not work, and simply enter the text was impossible. Pilikalo something, bottom appeared some text disappeared. … Even exit the program, it was not clear how. Čertyhnuvšis′ and killing […]